Ella was super excited to go to some birthday parties this weekend for some new friends she has made in her class at Carlson. (sorry for the poor photo quality. I lost a ton of pics and had to take these off facebook)
First was a party at Build A Bear for her friend Ava. It was awesome!!
Then the next day was an elegant dress up Tea Party for another friend named Ava! Ella loved the tea party place and begged me to have her 7th birthday there.
She was very excited when Rapunzel showed up :)
The next weekend Ella had ANOTHER birthday party at Build A Bear. But this time I convinced her to make a bear for Ryen since she was getting mighty sad and jealous. In exchange I gave her $20 to go shopping with at Justice. She has been dying to go shopping there and she was so excited. Here she is with the star bear she made for Ryen...