Thursday, October 18, 2007


Hi All, so today I was driving in the car and a Tim McGraw song came on. I am not one to listen to Country usually but it was on a mainstream channel so I listened. There was a part of this song that really got me, and it was something like "I hope you get the chance to live your life like you are dying." These words resonated with me and made me think about them for most of the rest of the day. Why is it that it tends to be human nature to put off our goals and dreams or the things we want to do in life, until we are given a death sentence and then suddenly it becomes important to try to do all these things? I thought what about doing these things now, while I still can! So I am issuing a challenge to you my friends and family to join me in what I call "10 in 10"! Here is how it works- come up with 10 things you want to do before you die. Then for the next 10 years try to cross one of those things off your list each year. No worries if you dont do one every year. I will go first. Here are my 10 (in no particular order):

1. Have another Baby
2. Renew my Wedding Vows
3. Run a Half Marathon
4. Sky Dive
5. Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride
6. Spend a weekend in New York City (again- it has been too long)
7. Go to Europe
8. Get really fit
9. Take some cooking classes
10. Take my children to Disney

Go ahead- join me! Send me your list if you decide to do it, so I can see what you want to do. There is no failing here. It is just an attempt to get us thinking about living in the here and now and going after our goals and dreams while we still can. If you do that, you have already succeeded!

Speaking of hope I am almost done with the book A Million Little Pieces from James Frey. I dont care that some or a lot of the book are embellished and ficitional. The man had a story to tell that he thought would help people. He tried to sell the book as fictional at first but it was turned down 17 times. It wasn't until he sold it as a memoir that someone would publish it. This book helped hundreds of thousands of addicts get hope that they too could overcome their addictions. That should be the focus of the book and not whether some parts were embellished. This book is gut wrenching and a page turner and shocking to say the least. If you have ever had to deal with addiction yourself, or have a family member or friend who has, I suggest you read it. It may answer a lot of your questions about how the inner mind of an addict works. Even if you haven't been touched by addiction in anyway, it is an incredible read. I literally cant put it down. I recommend it if you have time.

Bye for now all! Can't wait to get your 10 in 10 lists! Go ahead! What do you have to lose?


  1. 1-do full marathon-january 13th 2008.
    2-do 3 day breast cancer walk with Jill.
    3- retire in ten years and be a stay at home mom.
    4-vacation in Figi or another exotic place for a long two weeks with no kids.
    5-have a huge family reunion
    6-hike grand canyon with the kids
    7-have my kids college fund well started.
    8-get another dog or two black and yellow lab just as awesome as Gunner.
    9-to be determined
    10-to be determined

  2. Deanna Dowdy Said...
    my "10 in 10"

    1. have another baby
    2. Go to Europe
    3. keep being fit
    4. run a half marathon
    5. take my kids on a family vacation every year
    6. spend as much time with all the people close to me.
    7. buy a custom home
    8. take another honeymoon
    9. be debt free
    10. teach my kids good morals and values
    I have a lot of the ones you have, but some different ones too
    that was fun thanks for making me think of it now i can't wait to
    scratch them off the list.
    by the way you are an exceptional writer you need to get a job being a
    columnist for a newspaper.
    i love reading your blogs they are fun!

  3. Lori Putnam

    1. move out of M&D's
    2. do 3 day breast cancer walk with Jill & Lisa
    3. Take Olivia to Disney World
    4. Have another baby (hopefully a son)
    5. Vacation in Caba San Lucas with David ALONE (lol)
    6. Get a raise
    7. By another home
    8. Move out of New England
    9. QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!
    10. Get a gym membership!!

  4. by the way these are not in any particular order!! Lol Lori ♥
