Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm BACK!!!

Well looking at this REVITALIZED blog of mine, I can’t believe it has been almost a year since I have posted something. I stopped blogging because I was worried I would have nothing to say... can you believe that? An East Coaster who can't find something to say? Normally I don't shut up! LOL

Anyhow I guess I felt pressured to write about something other than my kids. But now I realize why shouldn't I blog about my kids and all the joys and TEARS that come with raising these little angels! So although I do send out a ridiculous amount of photos to my friends and family on both coasts through our family website, I wanted a place where I could share my trials and tribulations, thoughts and tales of my days striving to be SUPER-WIFE and SUPER-MOM.

Hope you enjoy the posts! Subscribe to my blog to receive notification of new posts!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats and welcome back to the blogging world... Careful though, it can get quite addictive ;)
