Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

So Mother's Day was so GREAT! I had such a good day! First I woke up to Ella sticking stickers all over my face while I was trying to sleep! Then she dumped a drum full of toys on me and "played" with me, while I desperately would have preferred to sleep more, as you can see by the photos. But she was so cute, I just had to play along...

Here is a photo of my sticker face when I woke up (sorry ladies, we all can't look this good first thing in the morning- NOT!!!)

Then I walked out into the kitchen to find this nice ensemble from Daddy and the kids...

The flowers were gorgeous and the card from the kids made me cry. It was a little girl wearing her mother's shoes and jewelry and the caption inside read "It was from you that I learned to be me!" SO SWEET! (Good choice Dad, oops I mean kids). Then Daddy and Mommy (but mostly Daddy) made breakfast and we all had a scrumptious little feast.

Then Daddy gave Mommy the rest of the morning off, and I went out for some of my favorite things which were:

Pedicure, Dunkin Donuts, and SHOPPING!

Then Daddy took Mommy and the girls out to dinner to celebrate a little more. Here are some photos from dinner:

I am such a lucky girl to have such a beautiful family that loves me so much. Thank you Carilli clan for a wonderful Mother's Day!

Love, Mom XOXO