I can not even believe I am writing this post right now. How is it possible that my baby is already two? It seems like just yesterday I had my house filled to the breaking point with family and friends and kids covered sitting all over my lawn devouring cupcakes to celebrate Ryen turning 1. Where did another year go? Where did my baby go???
I could not even begin to imagine this house or this family without Ryen in it. She is in a word... amazing. So how do I describe what you are like as you turn two, my sweet angel? Well here goes:
You are super smart like your sister. You are talking at a level that is well advanced for your age. You understand concepts even younger than I think Ella did. You are independent and want to do everything yourself. You don't even want to hold my hand in parking lots. You want to walk everywhere, and don't want to sit in strollers or shopping carts anymore. You want to explore everything all the time, and I try to let you when I can, since usually we are always in a rush and on a schedule and we don't have time.
You LOVE Blues Clues, Elmo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and those damn singing Chipmunks. You literally can and have watched 10 hours of Blue Clues in a day... ok maybe it was more like 6, but still!! You love milk. You LOVE to color. You love to play with toys, and you love to quietly sit in the corner with books and just turn the pages yourself. You LOVE bubble baths and you LOVE going in the pool! You also love playing outside, walking, riding on toys, sidewalk chalk etc. You also are obsessed with dogs. All dogs. You love to play with them, hug them and kiss them. You love Ella and you love to play with her and her friends. You follow her around sometimes and get mad at the times when she doesn't want to play with you. You love going to school. You get mad when we drop off Ella and you cant go too. You love BABIES and you especially like the boys. You are such a cougar- LOL.
You are bashful and shy with strangers. You can be clingy to Mommy. You definitely don't like when anyone other than Mommy or Daddy tries to discipline you... :) You are SO affectionate. You kiss everyone and everything and hug everyone you love. You kiss your toys, your dogs, the TV, etc. You kiss Mommy all the time and I love it!! You love to say "I'm too little!!!" when you see something you know you shouldn't have (like peanuts for instance) and you love to say "OH MY GOSH" (that is a new one for you). You also love to tell yourself "Don't be scared" when you are unsure of something.
You are interested in potty training and ask all the time to sit on your potty. After the Holidays we are going to go for it! Your favorite songs are Baa Baa Black Sheep and The ABC Song. I could go on for hours about you, but I would bore anyone else reading this.
You are such a wonderful person and have a an amazing personality. Since the day you were born you have been very easy, and laid back and a people pleaser. You try to get away with some things but for the most part you give up pretty easy when you see you are upsetting Mommy or Daddy. You are starting your twos but so far it seems to consist of yelling a lot and sometimes crying for things, instead of asking for things. But we are working on it.
Happy Birthday my Baby Girl. You are so loved you make my heart explode. Here are your Birthday ABCs. XOXO
A- agreeable
B- bashful
C- calm
D- determined
E- excitable
F- flirty
G- girly
H- high maintenance at times ;)
I- intelligent
J- jumping bean
K- kissy
L- laid back
M- mellow
N- nutty
O- original
P- playful
Q- quick
R- relaxed
S- silly
T- talkative
U- unique
V- vivacious
W- willful
X- xtra cuddly
Y- young
Z- zany
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