Sunday, June 28, 2009


Christmas Birthdays stink! My twin sister and I had the unfortunate draw of December 28th. Jimmy and I decided awhile back to celebrate my half birthday instead (which is June 28th- TODAY ACTUALLY)!! So yesterday Lori and David watched the kiddos for us so we could head to Phoenix to catch a Diamondbacks game and then hit a bar for some drinks. We had a blast and thanks David and Lori!

Here we are enjoying the game (which they lost):

It was a real cute photo, but of course I wanted more. So I was THAT girl at the ballpark that was holding the camera out taking "self-photos" of Jimmy and I. Don't ask me how but Jimmy seems to have gotten this crazy notion in his head that I take photos to excess (whatever!! LOL) so he decided to be funny and unbeknown to me was making a different face in every photo trying to sabotage my efforts to get the perfect one! >:( I didn't realize until after we had snapped a few and I happened to check my work ;) We were cracking up! Here are the many faces of Jimmy...

He finally cooperated and I got my favorite one to remember the night:

Then today we spent the morning by the pool to combat this 106 degree heatwave! Wheww! The water felt great and this was a great ending to my Half Birthday:

My pose was SO much cooler- ;) (PS- 9 mos on 9 mos off please...)

Later we watched Mackenzie so Adrianna and Gary could see a movie. The kids played well together for the most part, except for about 600 "Mine" "No! Mine"s that we had to listen to. Here are some cute photos of the girls:

All told it was a nice day and it is now 6:45pm and both kids are in bed for the night. Jimmy and I are going to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. What a great half birthday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Love our "Wednesdays with Friends"

With us being so busy and Ella starting school soon, I realized we don't really have that much time for playgroups or playdates like we used to. I can make time, but not without really sacrificing some other areas of responsibility like my to do list, cleaning, grocery shopping, working out, getting the cars or dogs washed etc. So I left one of my playgroups and instead just made a standing date to see my friends every Wednesday. Kind of like "Tuesdays with Morrie" (which is one of the best books EVER I might add) This is so much easier! We try to keep this one day open for each other, and so far we have had so much fun. We do a different thing each Wed, like meet at McDonalds for lunch, have a pizza party, tea parties, etc. It is so great. Not only are our kids friends and they get so excited to see and play with each other, but us Moms get some much needed time with our friends as well. Like my sister Lori said best "little friends for my kids and big friends for me!" (or something like that). Anyhow here are some photos from May/June's "Wednesdays with Friends"

Swimming at Jill's:

Lunch and Play at McDonald's:

Creative day of play at AZ Toy Town:

Tea Party at Pamela's:

Looking forward to many more great Wednesdays!