None of us had ever seen it before. I had tried a few times last year to get the kids to watch it. But whether it was because it is kind of dark or they did not like the animation they never wanted to watch it for more than like 20 minutes before they would get bored. I was excited to see it for the first time too. So we made hot chocolates and curled up on the couch to watch it together.

We also had some candy canes :)

The girls were super excited when I told them that there is a polar express train right here in Arizona that takes people right to the North Pole to meet Santa!

They were so into it this time!!

Ryen was a little scared at times as this can be a freaky and scary train ride at times in the movie. But all that vanished when they saw the North Pole.

And they got SO excited over the Christmas Tree!

But Santa's humungous bag and Santa himself brought a silence to the room...

They loved the jingle bell part of the movie and how you have to believe in Santa to hear it and so did I. :)

What an adorable movie and beautiful animation towards the end.

Later we had some red and green M&Ms.

I also promised the girls that I would paint their nails with Christmas colors.

So we painted Ella's red and silver alternating sparkles and Ryen's all red with sparkle overlay. They love how they turned out.

And then Ella begged me to paint mine the same way. So I did :)

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